This Thanksgiving week, I’ll depart from my usual legal advice post, and post a special THANK YOU to all those who have helped the Persaud Law Office:
To Marty Meason and Bo Estes, who share office space with me. You’ve both been a great source of advice and help when I needed it. Especially, thank you, Marty. I worked for you for nine years before I started my own practice. What you have taught me about being a lawyer, was invaluable.
To Joy Butcher, my legal assistant, and the officer manager for me, Marty and Bo. You’ve gone out of your way to be a big help to me when I needed it. As busy as you are, that’s been difficult. But I’ve always counted on you. You’re more than an employee, you’re a friend and a helper.
To Tim Kilpatrick, who created my website. Great job! You created just the site that I wanted.
To Kashmer Interactive, who handles my online marketing efforts. Before you came on board, my website was bringing in very few clients. Now my site is bringing in a large amount of business. You’re the best! I certainly couldn’t have done this without you. Your other clients told me to hire you. They were definitely right. I consider hiring you to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.
To Gema Aparicio, who has translated many of my webpages and blog posts into Spanish. Thanks to you, I’ve been able to broaden the reach of my business.
To Sandra Bravo, who has proofread the Spanish translations of my Spanish pages. Since I don’t speak Spanish and couldn’t proofread them myself, I certainly needed your help.
And, most importantly, to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. You are Who I live for. As You said in John 15:5, without You, I can do nothing.